After a fresh snow, your friends, (who are big on dinosaurs), are about to come out. You decide to amaze them by making a fake dinosaur print. Here's how!


  1. Find an area of untouched snow. The best is in pure white snow.
  2. Push your feet together and pull them apart, rather like a snow angel.
  3. At the top of one side press your foot down.
  4. Do the same for the other side.
  5. Then push your foot down in the middle.
  6. Finished.


  • Press hard, or it looks like a very light dinosaur print. Jump on it if you have to.
  • Make it rough.
  • It could also be made in the sand.


  • Wear something warm in the snow.
  • Some people may think it's real, so reassure them before they call scientists.

Things You'll Need

  • snow(or sand)
  • feet