This activity is very fun. You will be comforted by your new friend, and won't have to worry about anything! Unless his/her head pops.


  1. Inflate your water balloon to any size and tie it.
  2. Draw a cardboard shirt and pants together. (Now is the time to color them if you'd like.) Cut the outfit out.
  3. Get the sharpie and draw hair (if you want), eyes, a mouth and a nose.
  4. Tape the head on and cover the rest of your friend in tape (except for the head).
  5. Draw shoes on the bottom of the outfit in sharpie. Now it's time to name your friend!
  6. Finished.


  • Don't use paper!


  • If your balloon friend falls in the grass, it may pop. Be careful!

Things You'll Need

  • A water balloon
  • A Sharpie
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Tape