We all know how to blow bubbles-just dip the wand in the bubble soap and blow, right? But what if we want to make extraordinarily big bubbles? Read this article to find out how to make humongous bubbles.


  1. Get your bubble soap and wand.
  2. Find what you will be using. Pre-made bubble blowing packages that can be bought at various stores (even dollar shops) are preferable, but if you want to make your own bubble soap and use your own bubble wand, that's okay, too.
  3. Dip the wand into the soap. This seems fairly simple, but you have to be able to do this just right. Dip your wand in all the way to the bottom so that it gets the most soap that it can possibly get. Wave the wand around a little inside the bubble soap, again, so that it can get the most soap possible.
  4. Slowly bring the wand out of the bubble soap. You have to be very gentle and careful as you bring the wand up out of the bubble soap.
  5. Gently rest your wand on the surface of the bubble bottle. This is why pre-made bubble blowing bottles bought from the store are preferable. You have to precariously balance the wand, full of soap, gently in the middle of the surface of the bubble bottle. Make sure that half of the bubble wand is in the bottle and half is poking out.
  6. Get level with the wand. Bring the bubble bottle up close to your mouth or crane your face down. Make sure your mouth is right by the wand, but not too close.
  7. Purse your lips the right way. Make a small hole in your lips and purse them, as if you were about to start whistling.
  8. Ever so gently and carefully and slowly, blow. It should get larger and larger. Watch your bubble get larger and blow consistently, just like the tip says. Like the other tip says, it is perfectly normal if your big bubble pops or never leaves the wand.
  9. Good luck!


  • Do not be discouraged or disappointed if you create a huge bubble but it pops! Also, do not be discouraged or disappointed if it never leaves the edge of the wand.
  • Be consistent.