This is an interesting creation that probably many people have done. It isn't very hard, and it only takes a few things to complete your "mini-project."


  1. Find a toy with medium sized wheels and a large body.
  2. Find a 600ML-650ML bottle (it varies from Fanta's new size.)
  3. Drill a hole in the bottle cap large enough to fit a air compressor nozzle in.
  4. Attach the bottle to the toy with Duct Tape.
  5. Half-fill the bottle with water.
  6. Put the air compressor nozzle in and pump the air.
  7. Pull the nozzle out of the bottle.


  • Please do not use water from the tap. If you are in a drought use some from your water tank
  • Do not aim this car at any animal or human for safety reasons.