Everybody likes sweets, and here is a brilliant way of making them even more fabulous. Turn a bag of sweets into a beautiful bouquet.


  1. marshmallows
  2. jelly sweets


  1. Take a wooden skewer and push through one marshmallow through the top end, etc 5cm away. Keep pushing until the marshmallow sits fully down the skewer.
  2. Do the same with some other jelly sweets, piling them on top of the marshmallow. As you add your last sweet, push it so that the skewer goes halfway through the sweet. Repeat this for the other four skewers. Try to make an order, like: Marshmallow, Jelly bean, Jelly bean, Haribo, Haribo or something like that!
  3. Using a stiff elastic band, tie the ends of the skewers together a little way up their bases. Adjust the skewers until they create a nice bunch.
  4. Take the tissue paper and wrap it around the skewers like wrapping a bouquet of flowers. Do this by putting your bouquet across the bottom left hand corner of the sheet and rolling the paper diagonally upwards. Secure with a piece of sticky tape. Tie the length of gift ribbon around the sticky tape, finishing it off with a neat bow.


  • For a healthier treat, why not use fruit? Cubes of kiwi strawberries and star fruit look cute bunched together in a bouquet, just replace the tissue paper with tin foil, or stand it in a skinny long glass.

Things You'll Need

  • 5 wooden skewers
  • scissors
  • stiff elastic band
  • sheet of colored tissue paper
  • sticky tape
  • 75cm of gift ribbon