This will be very weird. It feels almost like cool lava when you try to hold it, so it is a semi fluid.


  1. Obtain 1 tablespoon cold water and 1 tablespoon cornstarch.
     Obtain 1 tablespoon cold water and 1 tablespoon cornstarch.
    Obtain 1 tablespoon cold water and 1 tablespoon cornstarch.
  2. Mix them together in a bowl.
     Mix them together in a bowl.
    Mix them together in a bowl.
  3. If the consistency of the cornstarch paste is too thin, add more cornstarch.
     If the consistency of the cornstarch paste is too thin, add more cornstarch.
    If the consistency of the cornstarch paste is too thin, add more cornstarch. If the consistency of the cornstarch paste is too thick, add more cold water.


  • For more paste, use more cornstarch and water.


  • Do not let kids under 4 years old handle the paste. They might put it in their mouth and choke.