Stringing beads is a fun way to give boredom the boot. And most preschoolers, both girls and boys, enjoy taking a crack at it. Beyond fueling creativity, beading also has another trick up its sleeve: it helps young kids practice patterning, or sequencing, which lays the groundwork for math, reading, and science. You can buy a sack of beads at any craft store. But this is an inexpensive ways for kids to make their own beads, from scratch.


  1. Scoop one cup of uncooked pasta into each of the bowls. The pasta should all be of the same type.
  2. Add a few drops of food coloring (using a different color for each bowl) to each. Stir. Keep adding a few drops at a time until the pasta begins to change color.
  3. Add ¾ tablespoon of rubbing alcohol and stir until evenly coated.
  4. Transfer the colored pasta to a cookie sheet lined with wax paper (or aluminum foil) and let it dry overnight.
  5. Once the pasta is dry, it’s ready for beading. Cut a piece of yarn into the appropriate length for your child’s necklace or bracelet, wrap a piece of masking tape around one end to make stringing easier, knot the other end, and set them to work!
  6. Finished.


Things You'll Need

  • 3 cups of uncooked pasta with holes (use just one type: penne, rigatoni, macaroni, etc.)
  • Food coloring in 3 different colors
  • 3 bowls
  • A measuring cup
  • Rubbing alcohol, quarter tablespoon
  • Baking sheet
  • Wax paper
  • A spoon for mixing
  • Yarn
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape