Here you can learn all about making a shoebox or a toy theatre in 5 minutes!


  1. Gather all your materials.
  2. Get your box and cut a reasonably sized square in the center or one side (this will be your front).
  3. Place the bow on one side and cut 2 other rectangles or squares either side; these will be your wings.
  4. Get your thin card or paper and measure it to cover the whole front of your theatre. Draw your theatre proscenium, scenery, and characters.
  5. Once you have printed these or made your own, color them all and make them attractive.
  6. Cut all of them out carefully and, if necessary, back them up with more card.
  7. Cut long thin strips of card and glue the figures onto them for slides.
  8. Stick your proscenium to your theatre front.
  9. Cut 3 thin strips out of your theatre by the wings to use as holders for scenery.
  10. On with the show! Now you have your proscenium.


  • Do this very carefully.
  • Leave small tabs of the bottom of characters so they are easily stuck to slides.
  • This website has free downloads for figures, scenery, and proscenium for your theatre:
  • Have fun!


  • If you are using sharp cutting tools, be careful.

Things You'll Need

  • A shoe box (but any cardboard box will do)
  • Thin card or paper
  • Paint, pencils, or Pens (any of them will do)
  • Glue (PVA or UHUstick)
  • Scissors or a Stanley knife
  • curtains