With just a few flex straws and some wobbly eyes, you can make little bird puppets. Put on a mini puppet show with them, or stick them in any drink for a playful touch!


  1. Start with two straws per puppet. It's also possible to make a puppet from a single straw, but the "handle" will be shorter.

  2. Make the body from one straw.
    • Optional: Cut the straw. Straighten the straw. Observe that it's divided into two sections by the "bendy" part. One section is longer than the other. Cut the longersection halfway between the end and the bend. This is for if you want to make a puppet from just one straw, because you can use the shorter section to make wings later.

    • Press the straw down on either side of the bend to make it flat. (Do not make the bend itself flat.)

    • Cut next to the folded edge as shown in the picture. Cut until you get to the bend.

    • Divide the other piece and cut along the fold, splitting the piece in half, lengthwise. Stop cutting at the bend.

    • The piece that is still folded is the backbone and tail. See picture.

    • Add small feet for the flying lizard puppet. See the subsection below.
  3. Make different mouths for different creatures. Shown in this image, from top to bottom, are a flying lizard, a bird, and a pterodactyl.

  4. Make the wings. Alter them slightly, depending on the type of puppet you're making. Shown in this image, from top to bottom, are wings for the bird, pterodactyl (there are forefeet on the wings) and flying lizard (cut like the wings of a bat).

    • Cut a short piece of straw open. This can be the short piece you set aside earlier if you're using a single straw, or it can be cut from the second straw. Cut it lengthwise, keeping your cut as straight as possible. You may want to trace the cut with a marker before cutting.

    • Place the cut piece on a folded towel and flatten it with a spoon.

    • Fold it in half, as shown.

    • Cut symmetrical wings on both sides of the fold. Make sure they stay connected in the middle.

    • Cut small slits around the edges to make the feather tips.

  5. Attach the wings to the body.
    • Take each of the wider pieces below the bend and wrap it around the backbone as shown.

    • Tighten them equally and symmetrically into a knot.

    • They should finish facing forward, in front of the neck and below the bill.

    • Loosen the knot and pull a wing through.

    • Tighten the knot once again.

  6. Cut the tail differently based on the type of puppet you're making. Click the image to enlarge.

  7. Stick the eyes on with a tiny drop of glue.

  8. Shape the tail and the wings to finish!