Before throwing away a postcard, wouldn't you like to make something fun from it? No matter the size and proportions of the postcard, these instructions will turn it into a speedy airplane.


  1. Cut the postcard as shown.
     Cut the postcard as shown.
    Cut the postcard as shown. Note the relative proportions of each piece.
  2. Fold the pieces as shown.
     Fold the pieces as shown.
    Fold the pieces as shown.
    • For the middle piece, make sure the folds are square.
       For the middle piece, make sure the folds are square.
      For the middle piece, make sure the folds are square.
  3. Fold the largest piece into a hollow pillar and hold it together with a tape.
     Fold the largest piece into a hollow pillar and hold it together with a tape.
    Fold the largest piece into a hollow pillar and hold it together with a tape.
  4. Glue the wings on the column (body) as shown.
     Glue the wings on the column (body) as shown.
    Glue the wings on the column (body) as shown.
  5. Lift both ends of the main wing and the center of the tail wing a little.
     Lift both ends of the main wing and the center of the tail wing a little.
    Lift both ends of the main wing and the center of the tail wing a little.


  • When a line is scored with a pin, it folds better.
  • After flying the plane, adjust the wings slightly. Experiment.[1][2]
  • When air resistance is big, try making the body of the plane a little slimmer. [3]
  • It's possible to put a some weight on the top and adjust it.


  • Do not throw in a direction where it may cause harm. Especially, do not throw it at somebody's face.

Things You'll Need

  • One used postcard (Japanese postal cards are:100mm x 148mm / density:200g/㎡)
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive tape
  • Glue
  • Ruler
  • Bodkin
  • Pencil