Here is an article about how to make people cards. People cards are cards in the shape of people which will stand up. They make great greetings cards because you can easily customise them to make them look like the person they are being sent to.


  1. Get a piece of paper, any kind will do.
  2. Cut an "L" shape for the shoulder and hand.
  3. Cut another "L" for the other side.
  4. Cut an upside down "Y" for the body and feet.
  5. Glue it below the shoulders.
  6. Cut a square for the head.
  7. 7
    Glue it above the shoulders.
  8. Use markers, colors, or a pencil to draw the eyes, nose and mouth.
  9. Get another paper and make accessories for your little person.


  • Have fun with your little person.
  • Suitable for many age groups.

Things You'll Need

  • paperany kind
  • glue
  • scissors