Keep your skeins and balls of yarn from becoming one big tangled mess.


  1. Separate each skein or ball. Make sure that each skein is one long piece of yarn, and not a whole bunch of small pieces.
  2. Place each ball/skein of the same color/weight/texture in a Ziploc bag.
  3. Place a label on the outside of each bag with the yarn's weight, fiber content, and yardage clearly indicated.
  4. Place your bags into bins or boxes. You may also want to use stacking crates if you have a lot of yarn. You also may want to bag your yarn by weight (fingering, worsted, sport, chunky...etc) if you are really organized.
  5. Buy knitting needle organizers. These come in handy when you are looking for two needles of the same size.


  • If you have a lot of short pieces of yarn (of the same weight), try making a scarf with all sorts of colored stripes of different widths.
  • When you put the bags into the bins, sort them so it'll be easy to find a certain yarn again. You can sort by fiber, by weight, by color, whatever you think will be useful. I sort by fiber and by weight, so, for example, all my wool lace weight yarn is in one bin.

Things You'll Need

  • Yarn
  • Ziploc bags
  • Labels
  • Permanent marker
  • Bins