Can't find a good cross stitch? Or just want to make your own? This is a great place to do just that!


  1. Design your Cross Stitch. Use the pencils or markers to draw up a design on the graph paper by colouring in the squares.
  2. Cut the fabric into a rectangle 20 or more squares bigger than the design.
  3. Start stitching! just mark out where to start and GO!


  • If you want, use the pencils to draw the design straight onto the fabric and cross stitch over that *If you make a mistake you can either cut through the thread before the mistake or work backwards.
  • If you have a photo or picture you want to cross stitch try tracing it onto the graph paper.


  • Be careful using the needle and use a thimble if needed.
  • If you cut the fabric too small you will have to start again.

Things You'll Need

  • Graph paper
  • Pencils/markers
  • Cross stitch fabric
  • Embroidery floss
  • Scissors
  • Needle