Snagging threads, scratched hands, frayed canvas edges. By taking a few minutes to prepare your needlepoint canvas before stitching, these are just some of the problems you prevent.


  1. Find the top and bottom of your canvas. Selvages are always on the left and/or right edge.
  2. Mark "top" at the top with a permanent, waterproof marker made for fabric.
  3. Make an arrow going from lower right to upper left in the top left corner for reference.
  4. Cut a piece of artist's or masking tape long enough to cover one side.
  5. Lay it sticky side up on a table. Put one edge of the canvas partly over it.
  6. Fold the remaining tape to the other side of the canvas.
  7. Press along the edge with your finger to make it flat.
  8. Cut off any edges which go beyond the edge of the canvas.
  9. Repeat the process for the other sides.
  10. Make sure that the edges of your canvas are protected and you can mount the canvas on stretcher bars.


  • If there is no selvage, unravel one vertical and one horizontal thread. The more wavy one should be the vertical direction.
  • On interlock canvas, the direction with two threads winding is vertical (although this is less important).
  • Using a bone folding tool (from rubber stamp shops) makes it easier to smooth the edges.
  • Many shops will prepare canvas for you, be sure to ask when you buy some.

Things You'll Need

  • needlepoint canvas
  • artist's tape
  • permanent, waterproof marker
  • bone folder (optional)