When you first start quilting, learning the terminology can be a bit tricky to begin with but the jargon won't take you long to pick up! Here are some common terms that it helps to understand so that you can make quilts without a worry.
- Backstitch: This is a reinforcing stitch made at the beginning and end of a seam to keep stitches in place.
- Basting: These are the large running stitches that you use to tack together fabric pieces or layers temporarily. This gets removed once the permanent stitching is in place.
- Seam: This refers to the line of stitches that forms when you sew together two pieces of fabric.
- Seam allowance: This refers to the distance or space between the seam and the cut edge of the fabric. Most quilts will have a standard seam allowance of a quarter inch.
- Backing: This is the base or bottom layer of each quilt.
- Batting: This forms the middle layer of the quilt. It's the part that provides the insulation (warmth) and the thickness of the quilt.
- Quilt top: This is the top layer of the quilt. This is where all the decorative elements of the quilt are shown. It sits over the batting and the backing.
- Binding: This is the fabric strip that is used to enclose raw edges of a quilt. The edges can also be finished off using binding, depending on the style of the quilt being made.
- Border: The border is formed by strips of fabric in order to frame the quilt top.
- Fat quarter: This refers to a pre-cut square of quilt fabric that can be themed in colors, patterns, styles, etc.
- Quilt blocks: This refers to the sections that are sewn together to form the quilt top.
- Sashing: The sashing means the strips of fabric that separate the individual blocks in a quilt top.
- Selvages: This refers to the two tightly woven edges of fabric that go lengthwise along the quilt.
- Setting squares: These are the squares of pieced fabric that are placed between pieced blocks on the quilt top.
- Strip set: The strip set consists of two or more strips of fabric sewn together along the long edges, following which they are cut apart across the width of the sewn strips. This turns them into smaller pieces or "units".
- Units: Units are the fabric pieces that have been sewn together to form a sub-group. Units can form blocks on the quilt or might be used in other ways as directed by the pattern.
- Bias: This refers to the grain of fabric either crosswise or lengthwise. True bias is 45º.
- Chain piecing: This method is used on a sewing machine. It involves joining pairs or pieces one after another by feeding them through the sewing machine without cutting the thread between the pairs.
- Grain: This refers to the direction in which the threads sit in woven fabric. Crosswise grain means the threads run from selvage to selvage, while lengthwise grain means the threads running parallel to the selvage.
- Piecing: This is the act of sewing together the pieces of the quilt top in order to form a quilt block or the whole design of the quilt.
- Pin basting: This is the method for pinning together the quilt prior to machine stitching it. Always use pins that cannot rust, especially if you're not working on the quilt that frequently or you live somewhere with high humidity.
- Quilting lines: These are the designs drawn directly on the fabric. A suitable fabric marker is used (perhaps even an invisible marker that fades) and you can follow these as a guidance as you quilt.
- Set or setting: These terms refer to the arrangement of quilt blocks as they're sewn together to form the top of the quilt.
- Straight grain: This is the crosswise or lengthwise grain of fabric. Be aware that the least give occurs on the lengthwise grain.
- Triangle square: This refers to two right triangles joined on their long sides. Doing so forms a square with a diagonal seam.
- Quilting itself refers to the process of stitching the three quilt layers together (top, batting, and backing), to create the quilt. It can also refer to any stage of making the quilt.
- Quilting is always addictive. And you're likely to acquire a devotion to your fabric stash.
Things You'll Need
- Quilting gear
- Sewing machine (optional)
- Fabric