Tatting threads are specialized; they need to be strong, smooth, of a good sheen and easy to work with. This article provides some tips on choosing tatting threads.


  1. Choose thread that is tightly twisted and highly mercerized. The thread must be smooth and firm. The mercerized thread will provide both sheen and ease of movement along the tatting shuttle.
  2. Consider using crochet cotton. This is a fairly standard tatting thread that works well. A common brand is Coats Mercer-Cotton.
  3. Know the thickness ratings of the cotton. Crochet cottons are numbered and the higher the number rating, the finer the thread is. Knowing the rating is important, as different projects require different thread weightings and different levels of ability. For example, very fine thread should only be worked by the very skilled and advanced tatting enthusiast, whereas thicker threads will be far easier for beginners. As such:
    • 100 is very fine thread
    • 10 or 20 are very thick threads
    • 40-80 are considered medium threads and tend to have a good range of colors
  4. Be careful when choosing wool as your tatting thread of choice. Wool can be used for tatting but the yarn quality is vital. The wool must be very smooth in its texture; avoid any wool that shows signs of fluffiness, knotting, grabbing, etc. If you're not sure, test it first by sliding a piece up and down the shuttle to see how easily (or not) it glides when pushed. A wool that slides easily will be suitable for the tatting project. Also check the instructions for your given project and see the note in "Tips" below.
  5. 5
    Consider using nylon ribbon. This works well for tatting providing you test first that it slides well in the shuttle. It can be a boon for items that need to be durable, such as coasters, placemats, etc.
  6. Give it a try. If you want to know whether those spare, smooth threads sitting in your sewing box will tat well or not, there is nothing like trying them. Do the test of checking to see if the thread glides well in the shuttle first; if it does, then try a mini tatting project, or even just a few elements of a project and judge with your own eye whether or not the result is desirable.


  • Avoid using cottons that do not have a smooth, silken finish. Not only are they not as comfortable to work with, but the end result is not as successful as highly mercerized cotton. This means that not just any old crochet cotton will transfer easily to a tatting project!
  • Handkerchief tatting usually uses a 60 or 80 thread.
  • It is not advisable to tat with wool if you're after a soft outcome. Unlike knitted or crocheted woolen items, tatted woolen items come out very stiff and hard. If it is an item that is meant to be worn, it is recommended that you return to a crocheted or knitted pattern instead but if it is for decorative effect, tatting with wool is fine.

Things You'll Need

  • Suitable threads
  • Tatting shuttle
  • Scissors
  • Good lighting to work by