An adorable tatted cap for baby. Although this pattern is almost 100 years old, it's elegance lives on and is of heirloom quality. This design comes from The Priscilla Tatting Book, 1909, hence the title.


  1. Begin in the center of the crown. Work a r of 10 1 p separated by 2 D's. Tie and cut the thread.
  2. Tat the second row. The second row consists of 1 R's and chains alternating, the ring of 3 p separated by 2 D's and joined of the center. And of the chain of 4 D's, 5 p separated by 2 D's, 4 D's. T
  3. Work the third row. The third row consists of 10 R's, the same as in this row, joined to the middle p of the ch and chs contain 9 p instead of 5.
  4. Form the fourth row. **r 5 p separated by 2 D's, * ch 5 p separated by 2 D's, r like last, repeat from * 8 times, joining the R's by the 2d p. After making the 10th r, make a chain of 9 p, joining it by the middle p to the chain of the previous row. Repeat from ** 9 times, joining the wheels by the P's of 3 chains as seen in the illustration. Fill in the spaces at the outer edge by c L's, each r of 6 D's, 5 p separated by 3 D's, 6 D's.
  5. Work the fifth row. It consists of 11 wheels like the one in the center of the crown, joined to each other and to chains of the previous row. These wheels reach to the neck, and the rest of the row at the neck is of 2 half wheels same as these. A half wheel is also made each side of the front at the neck to make the lower edge wide enough. Fill in spaces with c L's.
  6. Form the sixth row. This is the row across the front. Make a double row of R's, each of 7 D's, 5 p separated by 3 D's, joined at first p, and one side joined to work previously done.
  7. Work the eighth row. Make another row of 11 wheels, same as in center of crown with 8 chains instead of 10 and fill in the spaces with c L's or large R's.
  8. Complete the last row of R's. This extends all the way around the cap. The outer r is the same as in the previous row, and is joined by the first p. The inner r is of 4 p, not joined to each other. Make the R's close enough to make the work lie flat.
  9. Attach the ribbon. Sew on the bow and the ties as shown in the illustration.


  • Note that the sizing given in Things You'll Need refer to what was available in 1909. Adjust to modern sizing and availability as required (and please feel free to update the Things You'll Need" information).
  • You will need to find a pattern for the bow if you are not able to work one yourself by sewing; or, purchase a ready-made one. Another alternative is to take one from a hair accessory that is no longer in use but make sure it is cleaned first.

Things You'll Need

  • No 36 thread
  • One yard of ribbon
  • 1.5 yards of No 5 thread
  • Tatting shuttle