Making a cover for a book will help keep it in good shape, sturdy and strong. It can also reflect your personal taste and style.


  1. Buy some strong paper.
     Buy some strong paper.
    Buy some strong paper. Choose plain colors, brown paper color, or patterned papers. It depends on your personal preference and the use for the book. For example, don't choose light colors for a book that gets carried around all the time or it will look scuffed in no time; but for a book that is fragile and kept in one place all of the time, this might well be a perfect color range.
  2. Consider alternative covers.
     Consider alternative covers.
    Consider alternative covers. Cloth is another cover possibility that might work well for your needs. In times now past, covering books with cloth used to be very commonplace. It can give your book a rustic, old world feel. Other covers might include plastic, newspaper with contact, magazine collages, photos, cloth patch collages, etc. Even recycling a dust jacket from another book might be a fun thing to try!
  3. Measure the book.
     Measure the book.
    Measure the book. Always make sure that there is an even additional diameter around the edge of the book that can be folded down and attached to the inner covers of the book.
  4. Cut the desired covering material.
     Cut the desired covering material.
    Cut the desired covering material. Make slits where the spine is and if you want to make special corner folds, make appropriate cuts on the corners.
  5. Adhere the cover to the book.
     Adhere the cover to the book.
    Adhere the cover to the book. Use a glue or tape that will not harm the book. Ask at a craft or book specialist store for quality adhering materials.
  6. Decorate the book cover if you want.
     Decorate the book cover if you want.
    Decorate the book cover if you want. It can be really fun if it looks awesome.


  • If you decided to color your cover, colored pencils would look best. If you used markers they will bleed through the page ,and if you use crayons it might make the page feel sticky.
  • You can use newspapers to cover your book to be eco- friendly.


  • Do not put your book by fire as this can result in it burning.

Things You'll Need

  • Book
  • Covering material: paper, fabric, plastic, etc.
  • Adhering material suitable for books
  • Scissors
  • Ruler or other item to help cut in a straight line
  • Bookplate (optional), to denote ownership