Perhaps you have a juicy paperback that you don't want others to know that you are reading,or you want to protect your paperback's covers from damage, or you just don't like the look of the cover artwork? Here's a way to turn that paperback into a "hardcover" using materials that you probably already have around the house.


  1. Choose the softcover book that you want to change to a hardback.
  2. Heavy old manila Folder
     Heavy old manila Folder
    Obtain sufficient pressed cardboard to cover the book twice. Cereal boxes, stiff manila file folders and pressed cardboard mailing envelopes will work well.
  3. Trace around your book.
     Trace around your book.
    Trace the size of your cover onto one of the pieces of cardboard.
  4. Add 1/8th of an inch (2mm) to each of the narrow ends.
  5. Cut out the rectangle and use it to trace three others (four total) just like it.
  6. Lay two pieces on each other. If using a cereal box or similar packaging, it is best to lay the printed sides together and leave the plain sides to the outside.
  7. Cut a strip of contact paper that is twice the size of the book cover with an extra inch all around.
  8. Place, Trace and cut the contact paper
     Place, Trace and cut the contact paper
    Place the cardboard rectangles side by side on the backing side of the contact paper.
  9. Trace the rectangles.
  10. Corners mitered and flaps cut.
     Corners mitered and flaps cut.
    Miter cut the corners of the contact paper.
  11. Peel the backing and place the contact paper sticky side up.
     Peel the backing and place the contact paper sticky side up.
    Peel off the backing of the contact paper.
  12. Carefully position the cardboard.
     Carefully position the cardboard.
    Place the cardboard rectangle(s) on the sticky side of the contact paper and fold over the top and bottom end flaps..
  13. Fold in two of the side flaps.
     Fold in two of the side flaps.
    Fold the flaps on one end over the cardboard.
  14. Taco fold in half.
     Taco fold in half.
    Fold the "covered" end over the "uncovered" end.
  15. Pull the remaining flaps over and stick them to the cover.
     Pull the remaining flaps over and stick them to the cover.
    Fold the remaining two flaps over the resulting cardboard "sandwich".
  16. One down, one to go...
     One down, one to go...
    Repeat the process to make a second cover.
  17. Cut a strip that is as wide as your book is tall...
     Cut a strip that is as wide as your book is tall...
    For the connecting strip or "back" of your book,cut a strip of contact paper that is as wide as your book is tall, and is as long as at least twice the width of your book plus 2 or 3 inches.
  18. Peel off the backing from the contact paper.
  19. Fold onto itself, leaving at least 2 inches of sticky exposed.
     Fold onto itself, leaving at least 2 inches of sticky exposed.
    Fold the contact paper over onto itself, leaving 2 inches uncovered at one end.
  20. Trim the (sticky) sides away but leave the end flap attached.
  21. Slide inside your cover 'envelope' and press to adhere.
     Slide inside your cover "envelope" and press to adhere.
    Slide the sticky flap into one of your covers and adhere it to the inside.
  22. Assemble the cover.
     Assemble the cover.
    Finished Cover
     Finished Cover
    Tuck the above flap end into the second "cover".
  23. Back cover...
     Back cover...
    Front Cover...
     Front Cover...
    Place one cover of your book inside one side of the finished cover and the other cover inside the other finished cover.
  24. Tuck in the back...
     Tuck in the back...
    Tuck the "back" flap into the remaining side cover and you're done!
  25. Book with completed 'hardcover' ready to read.
     Book with completed "hardcover" ready to read.
    Enjoy your newly hard covered book!


  • You may also customize the cover and then apply clear contact paper over your original design(s). Try flowers.
  • The flexible center spine allows you to re-use the cover for another book of the same size, even if the book is slightly thicker (or thinner) than your original.


  • The sticky contact paper can stick to things and get stuck. Handle carefully.
  • Scissors are edged tools. Handle with appropriate care.