You love crafts, but you're not that nimble-fingered. You've tried knitting bookmarks, but it just won't work. Paper bookmarks tear, and everyone hates dog-earing pages in books. It leaves a big crease that never comes out! Bookmarks are fun to make and sell if you know how to do it right. The steps below will teach you how to make cool and easy bookmarks!


  1. The classic bookmark is historical and stands the test of time.
  2. Get card (paper of at least 300gsm weight).
  3. Draw faint lines (in pencil) to 173mm by 55mm. If its A4 paper then use it landscape and you should be able to get at least 5 in!
  4. Draw faint lines on the reverse side to. Take care to match these with the front side.
  5. Make your designs within the faint lines.
  6. Remember to design the back as well.
  7. Cut it out with care.

Ladybug bookmarks

  1. Making ladybug bookmarks is really easy.
  2. Cut out a piece of green foam/felt in the shape of a leaf.
  3. Cut a red circle out of red construction paper.
  4. Glue the red circle to the "leaf".
  5. Draw spots on the red circle.
  6. Draw legs on either side of the circle.
  7. Draw antennae on the front of the circle. Be sure to draw your antennae and legs on the leaf instead of on the bug so it doesn't look like the bug has weird stripes, and be sure to do the spots, legs, and antennae with Sharpie or some other permanent marker.

Braided bookmarks

  1. Braiding bookmarks is cool if you know how to braid.
  2. Cut a big rectangle out of felt (about 2 inches wide and about 2 inches longer than a page) and decorate it with glitter glue, ribbons, rhinestones, small beads, etc.
  3. Take any color of felt/foam, cut it into a shape (heart, skull, etc.), and decorate.
  4. Cut a circular piece of yellow foam (not felt), and draw eyes, nose (optional), and a mouth. After you've done that, write a caption at the bottom (for example, "you make me smile!"), and give it to someone as a gift.


  • Don't be afraid to be creative! Creativity rocks!
  • Have a sidewalk sale that sells only bookmarks.
  • Ask your principal if you can sell bookmarks at school.
  • Have a door to door sale.
  • Ask your parents if you can sell bookmarks on Ebay.