This article will show you how to make any picture "pop" 3-dimensionally. To make 3D images (the kind that are viewed with 3D glasses, for example) you'll need to use computer software, and this is addressed in How to Make 3D Photos. This can be used for anything; card making, scrapbooking or simply for just putting in a frame on your wall.


  1. Decide on the picture you want to make 3D. You can cut one out of a magazine or draw one yourself.
  2. Once you have cut it out place it on the card and draw around it.
  3. Cut around the card and use this as a template to make another one of the shapes.
  4. You should now have 2 cardboard versions of the shape. Get your card, scrapbook etc. and place a glue dot on the spot where you want the picture to go.
  5. On top of the glue dot place one of the cardboard cutouts..
  6. Place another glue dot on top of this, then the other cardboard cutout, then another glue dot.
  7. Place the original picture on top of the final glue dot and you will have a 3D image.


  • The more glue dots and cardboard cutouts you have the more 3D you can make them.
  • If you make a few and have 2 or 3 with only 1 cardboard cutout and 2 or 3 with 3 cardboard cutouts you will have a multi-level effect.


  • Be careful with scissors.

Things You'll Need

  • glue dots
  • cardboard
  • images
  • scissors
  • pencil