So you've just received a nice laptop, but you can't afford 40 bucks for a carry case? Or your current laptop bag has shredded, gotten coffee spilled on it, or doesn't fit your new laptop? You can make an inexpensive temporary replacement from nothing more than a box and some packing tape! Here's how:


  1. Obtain sufficient cardboard. The boxes that reams of paper are shipped in are nearly the perfect size.

    A nice sized cardboard box.
  2. Open up the flaps of the box and lid so that the cardboard lies flat.

  1. Find the center line of the lid by either folding the lid in half (narrow end to narrow end) or by measuring from each end.

    Measure and mark the center line.
  2. Mark the center line.
  3. Measure lines half an inch (1 cm) away and an inch (2.5 cm) away from your center line.
  4. Mark the lines from above.
  5. Score all five lines with the blunt edge of a ruler or similar object.

    Measure, mark, and score your lines.

    Scored lines allow the cardboard to bend easily into a 'taco' shape.
  6. Lay your laptop on the cardboard so that the scored lines bend around the long edge of your laptop.

    Use your laptop as a guide for measurement.
  7. Mark the edge(s) of your laptop on the cardboard.
  8. Move the laptop to someplace safe.
  9. Score 1/4 inch (0.5 cm) away from your laptop's outline (on the outer side) all the way around.
  10. Cut the excess cardboard two inches (6 cm) away from the scores, forming a wide flap all the way around the laptop outline.
  11. Score all fold lines.
  12. Cut narrow wedges at each place the cardboard must bend.

    Narrow wedges
  13. Tape the resulting smaller tabs flat against the "inside".
  14. Fold the cardboard like a taco.

    Taco Fold

    Flaps lined up carefully at the top edge.
  15. Tape the sides together.

    Tape flaps together at sides.
  16. Set this inner layer aside and begin work on the outer shell.

Completed 'inner' box view.

Another look at the 'inner box'.
  1. Open up the box base.
  2. Find the center line of the box base.

    Mark the center line.
  3. Mark and score the center line and two lines on either side of it, spaced approximately 1 cm (half an inch) from each other.

    Mark and score five lines... the center, and two on each side of it.
  4. Align the inner shell on the box base. The "grain" should lie perpendicular to the grain of the lid (it's stronger that way too!) and the bottom edge should line up with the outermost of the scored lines.

    Align the 'inner' box on the line furthest away from the center line.
  5. Trace the inner layer pattern onto the box bottom.

    Transfer the 'inner box' dimensions.
  6. Measure and mark half an inch(1 cm) away from the outline of the inner shell all the way around.

    Mark 1 cm outside the tracing.
  7. Add a 3 inch (6 cm) flap to each side of the pattern.
  8. Cut along the outer lines.

    Cut off excess.
  9. Score along the fold lines and cut narrow wedges at the edges of any flaps.

    Score fold lines and cut narrow wedges at bending points.
  10. Tape the small flaps down securely.

    Tape small flaps down as shown.
  11. Fold the "outer" cardboard like a taco and tape the short edges securely, leaving the long edge(s) open.

    Fold like a taco, and tape securely.
  12. Place the inner layer inside the outer shell.

    Slide the first box inside the second one.
  13. Tape the inner box to the inside of the outer box.

    Secure the inner box with strips of tape going the entire width of the box.
  14. Slide your laptop inside and you're ready to make handles!

Handle Ideas

  • Rope Handle Idea Number One. Make a loop using two meters (yards) of rope. Pass the rope ends through holes in the flaps. Tie the loop closed. Use the loop ends as handles.
  • Rope Handle Idea Number Two. Cut rope a foot long or so (30cm). Pass the ends through holes in the flaps. Tie the ends in a knot.
  • Rope Handle Idea Number 3. Make a loop that is only slightly larger than the case. Pass through the holes as shown. Slide loop to open. Slide loop to make "handles".
  • Tee Shirt Idea. Sew the hem edge of a large tee-shirt closed. Slide the case in through the neck opening and use the sleeve openings as your handles.
  • Rolled Cardboard Idea. Leave largish flaps of cardboard at the box opening. Roll the flaps to form "scroll like" handles. Tape well.


    Rope Handle #1

    Rope Handle #1 alternate view.

    Rope Handle #2

    Make a loop of rope only slightly larger than the case is 'around'.

    Alternate view with 'handles' made by sliding the rope through the holes.


  • Careful measuring and cutting is the key to making this work well. Sloppy work will make a sloppy looking case that will fall apart easily.
  • You may color or decorate the outside of your case in any way you see fit. Duct Tape would make a reasonably sturdy cover if you had a roll of it on hand, but you could also use packing tape to cover it for waterproofing and scuff protection purposes.
  • Idea: make the second layer slightly larger than the inner, and place a layer or two of bubble wrap in between the two, including the bottom. This will help to some extent with shock-resistance.


  • Scissors are edged tools. Exercise appropriate caution when using them.
  • Cardboard is neither weatherproof nor shockproof.
  • All cardboard is abrasive, some is VERY abrasive. Particularly to plastic. Unless you want scuff marks on the lid/base, take appropriate steps to prevent rubbing.
  • Some people may not take you seriously or think of you as "tacky" (if you are interviewing for a job or your new job's boss). This isn't always the best thing.

Things You'll Need

  • Cardboard box. The type that copier paper comes in works very nicely.
  • Packing Tape
  • Sharp Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pencil or pen for marking
  • Rope or twine