Before cartoons and claymation and CGI made their debuts, motion pictures were often enjoyed with simple toys like thethaumatrope. You can place different images on each side of a round card and when the card is flipped fast enough, the two images combine! This article demonstrates a few ways that you can create one of your own.


Rubber Band Method

  1. Cut a circle out of a stiff board material. The stiffer the material, the better. If using corrugated cardboard, you can use this method, or the method below.
    • One option is to find a circular box such as the one pictured here.
       One option is to find a circular box such as the one pictured here.
      One option is to find a circular box such as the one pictured here. Separate the frame from one of the board pieces. You can use a craft knife for this purpose, but this should be done by an adult, not a child.
  2. Pieces of paper on top, piece from circular box on bottom
     Pieces of paper on top, piece from circular box on bottom
    Cut two pieces of paper into a circular shape of the same size as the board piece. You can do this by tracing the board piece on the paper twice, then cutting along the outlines. Draw a picture on each piece of paper. In this example, there is a cat on one piece and a teardrop and fishbowl on the other piece.
  3. Stick the pictures on the front and the back of the board piece using glue. Be careful about the placement of the pictures in relation to each other. It must align precisely with where you want the moving image to appear on the front image. For instance, here you can see the goldfish bowl and the teardrop aligned carefully on the back piece so that when it is twisted later on, the teardrop appears underneath the eye and the bowl above the cat's head, as if it is a thought bubble.
    • To test and make sure that the pictures align correctly, you can attach them with a paper clip and flip the card rapidly a few times to get an idea for how they will match up.
  4. Make two holes as pictured.
     Make two holes as pictured.
    Make two holes as pictured. They should be at opposite sides of the image (on the far right and the far left).
  5. Insert a rubber band in each of the two holes.
     Insert a rubber band in each of the two holes.
    Insert a rubber band in each of the two holes. Put one end of the rubber band a little bit through the hole, then pull the rest of the rubber band through the loop that you just pushed through the hole, and pull tight.
    • Alternatively, you can use string or yarn.
  6. Wind up both rubber bands.
     Wind up both rubber bands.
    Wind up both rubber bands. Hold a rubber band in each hand and have someone flip the card over and over until totally twisted tight. Pull each rubber band apart quickly and the card will start spinning. If you used string or yarn instead, pull them tight, holding the ends with your index finger and thumb, and rub the fingertips together to turn the string (as shown in the video below). Your thaumatrope creation is transformed into a single picture by the twisting action. Repeat as often as wished. Children will be mesmerized.

Wire Method

  1. Cut corrugated cardboard into a circle.
  2. Pierce a straw into a corrugation hole, as pictured here.
     Pierce a straw into a corrugation hole, as pictured here.
    Pierce a straw into a corrugation hole, as pictured here.Make sure it goes all the way through, as close to the center of the circle as you can get it. If the corrugation holes are small, you may need to use a thinner stirring straw, which can be found at most coffee shops.
  3. Insert a wire in both straw holes.
     Insert a wire in both straw holes.
    Insert a wire in both straw holes. The wire can be bent from a hanger with pliers.
  4. Glue your pictures onto the board piece, as instructed above.
     Glue your pictures onto the board piece, as instructed above.
    Glue your pictures onto the board piece, as instructed above. Here it is a face on one side with spectacles and tongue poking out on the other side.
  5. Flick the card with your fingers so that it spins rapidly, revealing the wonderful bespectacled face!.
     Flick the card with your fingers so that it spins rapidly, revealing the wonderful bespectacled face!.
    Flick the card with your fingers so that it spins rapidly, revealing the wonderful bespectacled face!



  • Take care not to cut your fingers.

Things You'll Need

  • A circular paper box (cheese packages work well–split up into the top and the bottom)
  • White paper
  • An aluminum wire
  • Rubber band
  • Straw
  • Marker pen
  • Pair of scissors
  • Retractable knife
  • Perforator punch