If you are making a Father's Day card using scrapping techniques, this article will provide you with some basic suggestions to get the creative ideas rolling.


  1. Choose warm, masculine colours for the cardstock base. Browns, burgundy, black, forest green etc. make ideal selections.
  2. Select a suitable paper pattern or theme. Consider such patterns or themes as an outdoor trip, a fishing expedition, travel, sports such as golf, a hobby or even a holiday or trip you went on with your father etc. to determine the paper pattern for the card. Look in art and craft stores and even dollar stores to find paper that reflects the theme or carries a pattern suggestive of the activity.
  3. Match the patterned or themed paper with cardstock that brings out the color. Tan, gold or beige can Be suitable colours to layer.
  4. Find a photo to highlight a special moment spent together. Build the theme around this photo. Or, you could find a photo of dad's favorite activity.
  5. Consider embellishments or accents such As a paper clip, a golf tee, twine, dark coloured buttons, tie pins, cuff links, etc.
  6. Add a piece of personal verse like a poem or quote that provides special sentiments expressing your love for dad. This can be printed on by hand or can Be placed on As another embellishment on a tag.


  • Don't forget to write or add text saying "Happy Father's Day" on the front of the card.
  • Try to find photos that represent what your dad means to you.

Things You'll Need

  • Cardstock
  • Patterned or themed paper
  • Suitable adhesive
  • Embellishments or accents
  • Poem/quote − look online for good ideas
  • Suitable markers
  • Scissors