There are some excellent ways to make paper look old or create a unique textured look but shoe polish can be used with a lot of success, and this article details the process. This technique relies on using the paste type of shoe polish.


  1. Take a little polish, brown for example, and smear on the paper, being careful not to color all the paper. It should have heavy and light areas.
  2. Select a granular surface (sand paper of different grits), wood surface or any others to lay the paper on as you smear. The effect is that it will take on the characteristics of the "background" you are rubbing over.
  3. Burn the edges and then polyurethane the paper onto things like walking sticks, etc. It is a good idea to print first on your computer using different fonts, rub the polish, cut into strips, burn the edges, and wrap the strips around the wooden cane using glue. After that, apply 7 coats of high gloss/fast drying polyurethane (lightly sanding each coat with 0000 steel wool.


  • Use various colors of polish together or smear/wipe different sections of the paper for a different look.
  • Cut the preprinted/"aged" lines into strips a little wider than needed, lightly wet the paper and burn the edges irregularly for an old look.
  • Experiment with different surfaces such as wood grain, cement drive, etc. to give you paper a unique look when you smear on the paste.
  • Use various print fonts and even bold print to make each line different or create a Gothic look to the paper.
  • Wad up the paper before smearing so that the paste catches in the low areas and make an even older look.


  • Don't rub the paste so hard that you erase the print.