Do you dislike how your paper is just plain boring? How it's just plain white? Well, keep reading to learn how to make your white office paper look wonderful. (Makes 2 Tye-died Papers)


  1. Set out your workspace. Place 1 blank paper on the table horizontal and have your markers and spray bottle nearby.
  2. Draw. Draw scribbles or patterns on the paper with your markers. don't worry about the doodle not being perfect, it will all end up to be tye-died, so it will look smudged a bit, like tye-die should.
  3. Grab the other paper and the water. Place the other piece of paper over the colored-on one, and start spraying water on it. Remember to press down, so the colors collide a bit, and get on the other paper as well.
  4. Let the papers dry.
  5. Move the papers out of the way and clean up the mess.
  6. Once the tye-died papers are dry, show them off to your friends or make art projects with them.


  • Thumb Tacks
     Thumb Tacks
    When drying the papers, hang them up on the wall with a few thumb tacks. it works better than letting them dry flat on a table.


  • Paper Towel
     Paper Towel
    If the table that you are working on is wood, please use a towel or a sponge to wipe up all of the excess water so you don't damage the table.

Things You'll Need

  • Markers
  • White Office Paper(2 Pieces of Paper, to be Exact)
  • Spray Bottle Filled With Water
  • Towel(Optional, but suggested)
  • A Table