Have you ever wanted to have a bouquet of flowers? Do you want to give someone flowers that will not wilt, or fade? This is a fun and inexpensive thing to do, and will add some pleasant appeal as a decoration.


  1. Take a piece of square paper and fold in fourths.
     Take a piece of square paper and fold in fourths.
    Take a piece of square paper and fold in fourths. Then unfold it. It would be best if the paper is colored and/or special origami craft paper.
  2. Turn the paper 45 degrees and fold each end into the center.
     Turn the paper 45 degrees and fold each end into the center.
    Turn the paper 45 degrees and fold each end into the center. Repeat on other side.
    • Each time you do Step 2, the paper gets smaller. Thus, if you have a big piece of paper, you can do it multiple times to get a more detailed effect.
  3. On the side you stopped doing Step 2, pull up and out the ends that reached the middle.
     On the side you stopped doing Step 2, pull up and out the ends that reached the middle.
    On the side you stopped doing Step 2, pull up and out the ends that reached the middle. Fold the petals back. Repeat if more than one layer of petals were created on that side.
  4. Turn over the paper.
     Turn over the paper.
    Turn over the paper. Fold the part that reached the middle on the back. "Step-fold it." The fold should look like a step on a staircase. Do that to all four petals on the bottom. Then, flip it over and look at the finished flowers.
  5. Have another sheet of paper and decorate it.
     Have another sheet of paper and decorate it.
    Have another sheet of paper and decorate it. Roll it up into a cone shape. Tape the edge of the paper to the cone.
  6. Tape a chenille stem 'pipe cleaner' to the bottom of each flower.
     Tape a chenille stem "pipe cleaner" to the bottom of each flower.
    Tape a chenille stem "pipe cleaner" to the bottom of each flower. Put the finished flowers with stems in the cone flower holder. Admire your work and give to whom you wish to give it to!


  • A flower put with black beans in it would be good as an alternative. Instead of using the cone-shaped bouquet, stick the flowers with stems into it.
  • Cellophane could be used instead of paper for a more realistic feel, whether it is clear or with tinted color.
  • The colors of the flowers are important. Red and pink flowers look sweet, yellow and orange are bright, blue and purple are dark and rich, and so on.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper, pre-colored/decorated
  • Markers, Crayons, Paint, Colored pencils, Chalk Pastels, Oil pastels Glitter glue, Glitter, Newspaper Clipping. ETC. These are all things you can use to decorate the flower cone and paper for the flowers.
  • Scissors, to make paper square, if not perfectly squared already.