Hornets are pieces of paper folded repeatedly and are slung by a rubber band. The hornets described in this article are some of the best ones, not the low quality ones some people make.


  1. Take the post-it note and fold it in half to make a triangle, with the sticky part outwards.
  2. Unfold the paper, and bring two corners from opposite ends to the middle of the crease.
  3. Fold this in half from the middle of the corners, so that it kind of looks like and envelope.
  4. Start to do small folds all the way up the paper until you get to the part where the triangle starts.
  5. Reverse the folding direction and continue folding until the paper is in a long rectangular shape.
  6. Fold it in half hamburger style. When finished there should be two flaps on one side of the hornet, and one flap on the top.
  7. Finished.


  • Heavier paper will make the hornet hurt more, but it is also harder to fold.


  • If you get caught with these at school, there may be consequences.
  • Don't shoot people in the face or eyes.

Things You'll Need

  • Post-it note