This newspaper covered box works as a great gift, a creative memo paper holder on your desk at work, a makeup box in the bathroom, something in your room, anything!


  1. With your square sheet of cardboard, measure a square in the middle and have the same amount of excess cardboard all around the square. Using your ruler again, draw the square in the middle.
  2. Take your scissors and cut out the box. You MUST stab your scissor blade onto the pencil line if you want a decent looking box, from there, cut out the square.
  3. You will now have a frame like shape. Cut it so that there are 4 equal sides, those will be the walls of your box.
  4. With your sides, tape each one to the square until you get the box shape. Make sure you tape each and every area where the walls meet the square.
  5. You now have a box, now it's time for decorating. Take your newspaper and cut it into tons of strips, each strip shouldn't be any longer than your middle finger, be sure to have small ones that are half the height of your middle finger just to patch up where cardboard is still showing. Do the outside and then the inside, glue by opening your Elmer's glue and dipping your paintbrush inside, then apply the glue to the strip and then put the strip on the box.
  6. Let dry for 1 hour.
  7. Give as a gift, keep as a desk knick-knack, do whatever you want.


  • A small cheap plastic bristle brush works just as well as an expensive soft bristled brush.


  • Do not use a glue gun!!!!

Things You'll Need

  • Square sheet of cardboard
  • A section of newspaper
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Paintbrush (You WILL need to throw this brush away in the end, use a cheap one.)
  • Elmers glue (stick or liquid, doesn't matter, liquid is best though.)
  • Pencil
  • Ruler