This article explains how to make a paper box by cutting paper.


  1. Gather your supplies. These are listed below under "Things You'll Need".
  2. Take the pair of small scissors and cut to the edge but not through the edge. Do this on all four sides, but do not cut them off.
  3. After cutting, the cuts should turn into flaps. Fold the little flaps down and fold the larger flap to the sides.
  4. Unfold the flaps. There should be two more flaps in the middle. Fold those two flaps in, then unfold them.
  5. Tape together the flaps that you first folded and tape. Do the same on the other side.
  6. Now fold the last flap on top of the taped ones. Tape that down. You will now have a paper box by cutting.


  • You can use a poster board and fancy zigzag scissors.


  • Children should not cut unsupervised.

Things You'll Need

  • Small scissors suited for paper
  • Paper
  • Tape