Many times before something big happens to you, like a birthday, you find yourself counting down to that day. This is a neat project that one might like to do before a special day. Note: If you care about not wasting time please don’t do this project.


  1. Test your paper to see if it will fit in your box (by height), if it doesn’t fit, trim the edges a little.
  2. Figure out how many days remaining until the Event you are counting to. Most people like their spaces for numbers to be about 2 inches wide, but you can choose another size. Multiply the number of days by the number of inches that you chose (be sure to double check yourself). Cut the piece of fax paper to that number of inches long.
  3. Make lines with your pencil every whatever number of inches you chose. Write the number of days in the spaces.
  4. Make holes in your shoebox (lengthwise) the circumference of the paper towel rolls. Put the rolls through, but they should still stick out, for handles.
  5. Tape the ends of the paper to the paper towel rolls. Wind the chart tight to the right day.
  6. Finished.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 Grade-A Shoebox
  • Fax paper (see instructions for length)
  • Pencil
  • Coloring pencils or crayons (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Calculator (optional)
  • 2 Paper towel rolls
  • 1 Roll of tape