Usually, kids in elementary schools give out valentines on Valentine's Day.But these cards go everywhere and there's always a chance of losing a few, but you don't want to rely on the paper bag standby. Here's a good way to make a box to hold them!


  1. Get a box. Make sure the box isn't too big.
  2. Make a hole in the box. Make sure that the hole is big enough to put a card in.
  3. Decorate the box yourself or let the children decorate it as a project! Write anything on it, color it, make it cool-looking.
  4. Put the valentine's in the box. when you have all of them, dump them out.


  • When cutting the box you need to be supervised.


  • Remind the children to be careful while handling scissors.

Things You'll Need

  • A box, preferably cardboard.
  • Scissors
  • Decorations *optional