Sometimes you can find it really difficult to get someone a gift. But know that most people like gifts that are made by you! So, here's a good idea.


  1. Take a matchbox and a piece of cardboard box card. Take out the match-holder from the inside of the box and put it aside.
  2. Measure the width of the matchbox or trace the sides the the matchbox on an ordinary piece of paper.
  3. Use the tracing to cut out the paper. Color the paper using crayons of poster paint.
  4. Dab some glue all over the matchbox and carefully paste the colored paper over the matchbox. Don't worry if there is some paper left after the whole thing had been covered.
  5. Leave the matchbox sleeve aside to dry for a while.
  6. While it dries, take the piece of cardboard box card and draw a nice, small heart shape and cut it out.
  7. Cover the front of the heart in PVA glue.
  8. Pour all your glitter (or some of it) on a saucer and dip the glue-covered heart shape into it. Make sure that the side with the glue is in contact with the glitter on the saucer.
  9. Leave the heart shape there for a few minutes. In that time, trim up the matchbox sleeve covered with colored paper.
  10. When you take the heart off the glitter, the heart should be covered in glitter. Some parts may be left without glitter, so dab more glue and repeat Step 8.
  11. Blow on the glittery heart to remove the excess glitter.
  12. Dab some glue on the back of the heart and stick it on the paper-covered matchbox sleeve.
  13. Enjoy!


  • Using colored paper can make things a whole lot easier.
  • When coloring the paper, make sure that you have glitter of the same color.
  • If you have any messages, like "Happy Birthday" to give to the person you're giving the gift to, measure the space inside the match-holder. Write your message on a piece of paper and fold it to fit the inside of the holder, and slip it inside the matchbox sleeve!

Things You'll Need

  • An empty matchbox
  • Some glitter
  • PVA glue
  • Cardboard box card
  • Paper (colored, if you want)