Goody, you found this article and I will now tell you how to make 3 paper bangles in 5 minutes.


  1. For the first bangle, take a full sheet of paper and fold it evenly a little less than an inch down. Keep folding it until you reach the end.
  2. Cut off any excess paper and hot glue the edges together. This is the base of the bangle, and now you can decorate it however you want.
  3. For the second bangle, repeat the first two steps but make this bangle a smaller width.
  4. For the last bangle, make it even smaller and repeat steps 1 and 2.
  5. Finished.


  • You could make it different and do your own sizes. This is probably best for a rainy day and for the more daring and artsy people, like me


  • Might get made fun of at school if you wear them there (middle school/high school only)

Things You'll Need

  • two sheets of paper(1st and 2nd bangles made from same sheet of paper)
  • hot glue gun
  • something to decorate with