Ever find yourself in need of a CD case with none available? Here's how to make one in under a minute using just a sheet of paper and 3 folds.


  1. Start with the sheet of paper vertically positioned.

  2. Fold it in half width-wise (top edge to bottom edge).

  3. Visualize the blue lines below on your piece of paper. This is where we will make our next crease.

  4. Fold along those lines. The aim of this step is to simply fold 2 flaps inward to make a square.

  5. Your CD sleeve is now finished. Insert CD now.


  • A piece of tape across the front, although optional, may help by keeping the flaps down.
  • To make multiple CD sleeves at the same time, simply stack 2-3 sheets of paper and go through the procedure normally.


  • If you are prone to paper cuts, keep a box of band-aids nearby.