Floppy Disks are great for their cheapness and ability to store many types of files and programs. Unfortunately, floppies may be damaged if they are not properly cared for and protected. It's impractical to have a case for every floppy disk you use, so instead, make a sleeve for them out of sticky notes, an office material just as common as floppies. You could also use an envelope, but few are big to hold a floppy, and even if they are, it still leaves a crap load of empty space the floppy could slide around and possibly get damaged in.


  1. Get the materials listed below
  2. Place one sticky Note down on a table with the sticky side facing up.
  3. Take another post it note, face it in the same direction (still with the sticky side facing up), and overlap it over the other note so they're attached by the first notes sticky area, but all of the second sticky note that's not on the first notes sticky area is sticking out onto the table. It should look like this (S marks the Sticky area): lS__ l__l
  4. The sticky to the left if overlapping the post it to the right.
  5. Repeat Step 3 until you have a chain of sticky notes just over twice the length of the floppy disk. These post it notes should also be just over the floppy disk's width. It may take 4 to reach this point
  6. If it's long enough, but isn't over the width of the floppy disk, make another chain and tape the two together.
  7. Once this is done, take your chain(s), and make it a circle by attaching the first sticky note to the last sticky note in the chain in the same fashion you made the chain with.
  8. With the circle, there should be two open ends. Press the tube flat to make a rectangle shape, fold one of the open ends over just slightly onto itself, then tape it shut to close it off.
  9. Now you have one open end. This will be the opening. To make an envelope type thing, take one sticky note (or if this isn't wide enough, attach two together by making they're sticky parts parallel to each other). Use the sticky side on the stickies, and attach it near the opening with the majority of the notes hanging over and off the opening.
  10. Put the floppy disk in, then tuck the part of the note hanging off the opening into the other side, like an envelope.
  11. If you want to, seal the sleeve up with tape, then you're done!


  • Use the largest size of sticky notes you can find for best results. For example, 4" x 3" (approximately 10cm x 7.5cm) sticky notes work well.
  • For extra protection, you can make you're sleeve a bit bigger and fill it with bubble wrap or tissue for cushioning.


  • Disclaimer: This is just to protect your floppy disk from scratching and incurring serious damage from being dropped. It can still be damaged from, say, being squished and/or snapped in half in a backpack or briefcase on the way to school or work, respectively. If it's really important, there is still no substitute for a plastic case, this is just to prevent common, minor things.
  • You should always carry a backup of the files on a floppy on a main computer, because floppy disks can still be unreliable, no matter how well-protected and well-cared for they are.

Things You'll Need

  • 5 or 6 large size sticky notes
  • Tape
  • A floppy disk or cardboard at the size of a floppy disk