This article will show you how to make a case for your iPod using paper and clear packaging tape.


  1. Lay your iPod face down on the backside of the paper. Align the iPod with the top of the paper.
  2. Mark the bottom of your iPod.
  3. Fold the paper around your iPod so that the seam is situated where you want it on the back. This might involving trimming the paper or re-situating the iPod.
  4. Crease the folds at the edges of your iPod.
  5. Unfold the paper.
  6. Turn your iPod face up and place the paper on it face down, aligning the edges with your creases.
  7. Mark the horizontal edges of the screen on the backside of the paper.
  8. Repeat for opposite edge of the paper.
  9. Align the paper with the top of your iPod, this time near an edge.
  10. Mark the vertical edges of your screen on the edge of the backside of the paper.
  11. Repeat.
  12. Connect all of the opposite marks to form a rectangle the size of your screen in the paper.
  13. Cut out the rectangle with a knife.
  14. Either tape or place a piece of clear plastic over the back of the screen opening (many things you buy come packaged in a suitable plastic).
  15. Place strips of clear tape to cover the front of the paper (preferably not overlapping).
  16. Trim tape and the bottom of the paper so that you now have a cleanly taped piece that can wrap around your iPod.
  17. Wrap the piece around your iPod and tape in the back (you can also tape from the inside if your seam overlaps minimally).
  18. You can leave the top and bottom closed or open. If you want you can cut out your click wheel cover, but it's difficult.


  • Origami paper has awesome designs.
  • Use the clearest tape you can find.
  • Use a sharp knife.


  • Avoid transferring adhesive from the tape to your iPod.

Things You'll Need

  • paper with desired design, at least 5 in. by 5 in. (12.7 cm by 12.7 cm)
  • clear tape
  • knife for cutting paper
  • pencil