iPod touch cases, or covers as you may call it, are very expensive - they can vary to about $9.95 to 90 dollars! It is possibly to make an Ipod cover yourself using a Wrigley's gum packet. Read on to learn how!


  1. Get any empty eclipse gum cover of any kind that suits you. (Polar ice, Winterfresh, etc.)
  2. Get some kind of fabric (one that matches your gum cover might be nice).
  3. Get a stapler to staple the fabric on to the gum cover (unfortunately earphones will not fit).
  4. Cut enough fabric to fit comfortably over your iPod.
  5. Staple the fabric on to the bottom of the packet (you can also use fabric glue). This is essential to prevent your iPod falling out.
  6. You're done!


  • You could use a needle and thread but your case might rip, though you can use glue!


  • Be careful not to damage your iPod with any of the sharp objects!
  • This is not a protective case for your iPod - it is just something for you to put your iPod touch in.
  • Wait for the glue to dry (if you used any) before you put the iPod in its case.

Things You'll Need

  • iPod touch
  • Wrigleys eclipse gum cover
  • Stapler and staples
  • Fabric