Don't want to pay $40 for that new Nano case? You've come to the right place! Learn how to make a Nano case for (nearly) free out of an Orbit gum package.


  1. Gather everything from the Things You'll Need section.
  2. Lay the gum package flat on a table.
  3. Using the template below (see External Links), cut a screen inside the package.
    Thumbnail screenshot of the pattern found at
     Thumbnail screenshot of the pattern found at
  4. Put mailing tape on the left and right sides of the gum package "screen," forming a non-sticky layer of protection for the Nano's actual screen.
  5. Place the package, still flat, on top of the Nano.
  6. Wrap the Orbit package around the Nano, and tape the package together in the rear of the Nano, forming the complete case.


  • If you want, you can Velcro the flap and the case together so you have an easy way to close and open it.
  • Use foam for casing. Harder materials will scratch your Nano.
  • For a cuter case use a colorful orbit pack.
  • If you want, you can decorate the case with wrapping paper or such, just make sure you can open it.


  • Make sure that your model of iPod is an iPod Nano. (1st or 2nd generation)
  • Be careful not to leave dirt or fingerprints on the sticky sides of the tape when putting together the screen protection; because after you put the sticky sides together, there is no pulling them apart.
  • Remember that the metal plate on the back of your iPod is in fact intended to disperse heat. Leave room for your iPod to breathe.
  • When using scissors on the case, make sure the iPod is not in the case.

Things You'll Need

  • Orbit case
  • scissors
  • clear mailing tape
  • a glue stick
  • iPod Nano
  • Velcro (optional)