Make a Paper Person

This simple artwork is cute, cool and easy to make. It won't make much mess or take up much space when you're done at all!


  1. Take a piece of paper and draw a picture of a person wearing any clothes of your choice from head-legs (don't draw the actual legs, arms, hands, and feet though, just the outfit and the head).
  2. Draw 2 hands and 2 feet separately, and an appropriate size for your person too.
  3. Get a long piece of string and cut it into appropriate sizes for arms and legs.
  4. Tape the hands and feet onto a piece of string each, then tape the pieces of string in the places they should go.
  5. Tack it up somewhere with a thumbtack or magnet, and you're done!


  • Make sure you colour everything in before you start taping!
  • Outline with texta, it makes it look nicer.
  • They make very good gifts if you've run out of options of what to make.
  • It would be better if you did shorts or a skirt or a short dress, not anything long, so you could see the legs, and same with the shirt, too.


  • Don't make anything too over-sized!

Things You'll Need

  • piece of paper
  • Sticky tape
  • Colour pencils
  • A black texta (for outlining)
  • Scissors
  • String
  • A pencil (for drawing before you outline)