This will show you how to make a spear out of paper.


  1. First, you need to get two sheets of paper.
  2. Next, fold the top end to the bottom, in half, "hamburger style."
  3. Tear the paper on the crease that was made.
  4. Taking one piece of the paper, fold it, "hot-dog style."
  5. Unfold step number 4, this was to make a crease that way, you can easily make the spear head.
  6. Fold the corners into the center, should resemble a trapezoid-like figure.
  7. Fold one set of the corners up into the center of the paper.
  8. Take the other set of corners and fold them in half to the center.
  9. Once completed, tape the center line.
  10. Complete steps 4-8, but do not tape when finished.
  11. Once completed, insert the second spear head into the taped one, making sure that the end with the crease in the second spear is opposite the one you are inserting into.
  12. Now, for the handle. Take four sheets of paper and roll them from top to bottom.
  13. Take the first sheet and insert it into the bottom of the spear head. Tape it to the spear head.
  14. Take the second sheet and roll it smaller than the first one and insert it into the bottom of the first sheet. Tape it together.
  15. Repeat step 14 for the next two sheets.
  16. Once completed, reinforce the spear head and handle using tape.
  17. To make the spear fly further, stuff the handle and the head with toilet paper and then staple the spear head once stuffed.


  • This article shows you how to make a paper spear, not to be confused with another article, "How to make a paper spear head."


  • Be careful when playing with these. Although they are mostly harmless, do not throw it into someone's eye.