Paper square whips can be used to play with pets, deliver messages, or as a funny gift for your significant other (as an allusion to exactly how "whipped" he or she is). Make your very own toy whip out of paper and pipe cleaners by following the steps below!
Make 2 paper squares (or paper "footballs"). To make a paper square, fold a piece of ordinary paper in half hot-dog style twice, then angle it towards you so that the opening end is on the bottom. Fold up a triangle on the corner, fold it all together into a square, and staple it.
String the paper squares through a pipe cleaner. Put it through the creases in the paper squares to accomplish this.
Tie off one end of the pipe cleaner. Don't make it too tight, or else the squares could slip off.
Slide the paper squares to this end. Try to get them as close to the knot as possible.
Twist the untied end around another pipe cleaner. If you want an extra-long paper square whip, feel free to add a third or fourth pipe cleaner.
You're done. Go ahead and swing it around-have fun!
- Make sure your paper squares have crease openings on the sides to slip the pipe cleaner through. If not, you'll have to poke holes in them.
Things You'll Need
- 2 paper squares
- Tape/staples to hold the squares together
- 2 pipe cleaners