This article shows how to make a paper town.
Cut 1 piece of paper in fourths. The 1st cut through the exact middle, the 2nd cut can be off a little bit.
Draw 3 lines evenly across the paper lengthwise across the paper.
Fold the paper along the lines.
Tape the sides together.
Tape two buildings together on top of each other to make a skyscraper.
Put a building sideways to make a cave or tunnel.
Cut a hole in the side almost the size of the end of the tunnel to connect buildings and tunnels.
- Try putting a piece of cello tape on the inside of the building and tape the inside, then the outside.
- The paper has to be standard printer paper. If it isn't that type, it won't work.
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Scissors
- Tape
- Pen or marker