Have you always wanted a pet, but could never get one? This "How to" will show you how to make your very own pet- except on paper!


  1. Get a clean sheet of notebook paper.
  2. Decide what kind of pet you want to have. It doesn't even have to be a real animal; get creative and draw a dragon, or even make up your own! Just remember; keep it simple and G-rated!
  3. Draw a baby version of your 'Paper Pet' and put under it its name and '0 days old'
  4. Write in a list next to it of all the things you can do to care for it (Bathroom, Feed, Water, Bath, Exercise, Medicine, Toys)
  5. You are now ready to start the game. EXAMPLE: Let's "feed" our pet! Draw a picture of food next to your pet. Erase your pet's starting position, and draw it eating the food.
  6. Mark off "feed" or whatever action you did. When you finish all of your actions, you move up a day! Change '0' days to '1' day and so on. Congratulations! You now have a paper pet! Be sure not to leave it alone too long or it will "die"!


  • You could make the days equal a year for them and when they reach a certain age they would die.
  • You can also make it that the pet gets married and has children then when it dies the children become your next pets or just start with a new one.
  • You could make different checklists for each stage of your pets life. For example, when it is a baby, you can bottle feed it, and when it is an adult you can feed it regular food.
  • After a certain amount of days, make your pet evolve into a bigger stage.
  • Invent your own pets. Be creative. Make it a alien or some sort of monster.
  • Maybe even add stickers.Be creative !


  • Make the paper short, you don't want to erase so much you have to start on a fresh sheet of paper with something that small!

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil with eraser
  • Paper