Make a simple princess hat pinata for your little girl's party. You don't even need to use any gooey paper mache paste for this pinata.


  1. Cut the posterboard into 1/4 of a circle, then bring the two sides together. Staple or tape to form a cone. Trim the bottom of the cone to make it flat when sitting on the table.
  2. Punch two small holes about 3 inches from the top of the cone (the string for hanging the pinata will go here).
  3. Cover the cone with a large sheet of pink crepe paper and tape in place. You'll have to make a hole through the crepe paper that matches the holes in the posterboard.
  4. Fold up the bottom ends inside the cone and tape in place.
  5. Wrap two strands of purple crepe paper around the cone, beginning from the top. Each crepe paper should wind in opposite directions, crossing on the front and back side of the cone, each time around. Wind all the way to the bottom.
  6. Glue a sequin to each crossing of the streamers.
  7. Fill the hat with candy.
  8. Cover the plastic plate with pink crepe paper and tape to the bottom of the hat. You will only need about 4 pieces of tape.
  9. Use hot glue to attach bows made from pink and purple crepe paper streamers near the bottom of the cone. Put a bow over each piece of tape. Put a bow at the top of the pinata as well.
  10. It's readyPut some twine through the holes near the top to hang your pinata.


  • Put masking tape or duct tape on the cone BEFORE punching the hole. The tape will keep the hole from tearing when strung up.
  • You may use a large sheet of pink tissue paper instead of pink crepe paper to cover the pinata.
  • The purple crepe paper streamers should be about 5 feet long. Put a dab of glue to hold the streamers in place at each crossing. Hot glue may be easier than white glue.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 posterboard
  • tape
  • heavy string or twine
  • pink crepe paper
  • pink and purple crepe paper streamers
  • large sequins
  • plastic or Styrofoam plate
  • ribbon
  • a glue gun
  • white glue
  • candy for filling the pinata