How many of us find it difficult to get that perfect plaster of Paris mixture? But...liquid papier mâché is a quicker, easier and cheaper way to do it. So, let's begin!


  1. Take an old plastic bowl you won't ever need again - unless you're planning to make more papier mâché!
  2. Rip up the newspaper and put them into the bowl.
  3. Pour enough water so that it covers all of the paper and just a bit more.
  4. Put this in a cupboard and leave it overnight.
    • When you get back to it, it should be a sloppy mix of water and tiny paper fibres.
  5. Drain out the water and make a mix of glue and water.
  6. Pour the glue and water in the bowl and leave it out in the sun until half the liquid evaporates.
  7. Slop the mix around in the bowl, stir it and pour it into your molds.
  8. Leave this in the sun for as long as it takes for it to dry.
  9. Carefully take out the dried papier mâché and paint it.


  • When painting, mix a bit of glue into the paint, it'll help the paint stick better.
  • When draining, pour the liquid into another bowl which is covered with a very, very close knit cloth.
  • It's better to use a soap to make the moulds slippery.


  • Always wear an apron because this craft is quite messy.
  • Keep a clear working space or your gonna end up with a lot of mess to clean afterward.
  • Cover your working space with some extra newspaper.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-3 sheets of newspaper, depending on the size of your finished article
  • Two ready-to-throw-away bowls
  • An old wooden spoon
  • A close knit cloth
  • White liquid glue
  • Paint (optional)
  • A jug of water
  • 2 days