Have you ever wanted to make a double-sided STOP sign, just like the one you see on a school bus or on street corners? Here is the how-to!


  1. Get all the supplies listed below. Print out the Stop sign shown in the image above. print twice as you are going to make a two sided stop sign.
  2. Cut around the STOP sign shapes.
  3. Put the ruler across the back of one of the STOP sign shapes, with the word facing upward. Make sure that the rules only reaches as far as just under the word "STOP".
  4. Attach the ruler to the stop sign using tape. Put the tape on the ruler and STOP sign. The tape may touch the word STOP, but the ruler must not. This is to ensure that it is evenly balanced.
  5. Attach the second stop sign to the first stop sign using glue or double-sided tape.
  6. Finish off. Adjust anything needing adjustment. You now have a stop sign for play or sport use!


  • You can color the ruler if wished; or just leave it as it is.

Things You'll Need

  • A printed-out STOP sign (print it twice so that it can be double-sided)
  • A ruler
  • Tape (clear and wide type, but not too wide); double-sided tape is useful for attaching the second STOP sign
  • Paper glue