A sachet is a small, usually decorative, bag filled with aromatic ingredients. The contents of a sachet can scent the air, depending on its contents. Sachets are used as a decorative addition to a table, in a bathroom or in a lingerie drawer. Here's how to make a simple one and you can elaborate in your own style as you go.


  1. Rectangular pattern
     Rectangular pattern
    Draw a pattern. Select the fabric to be used. Often sachets can be made from scraps of fancy material left over from another project.
  2. Think through what size and shape the sachet will be. The easiest, by far, is a simple square or rectangle, but with patience and imagination, nearly any shape can be made.
  3. Add seam allowance
     Add seam allowance
    Add a minimum of 1/4 inch/6.3 mm seam allowance. Cut two of each shape.
  4. Stitch around the edges.
     Stitch around the edges.
    Sew the two pieces together with patterned or "right" sides together. Leave a two inch opening for stuffing.
  5. Clip the corners up to the seam
     Clip the corners up to the seam
    Miter the corners (cut them at an angle).
  6. Turn the "right" sides out.
  7. Add the pleasantly smelling stuffing. See below for stuffing ideas.
  8. Slip stitch the opening closed.
  9. Place the sachet where desired and enjoy!



  • Handle edged tools with care.
  • Put the ingredients in an old, but clean, pantyhose first to make sewing easier.
  • This can be sewn by hand or by machine.
  • Good things to stuff your sachet with include:
    • Lavender buds (dried)
    • Wood shavings (cedar is great)
    • Soap shavings (perfect for tossing in the washing, while a lavender stuffed one is perfect for the dryer!)
    • Potpourri
    • Scent impregnated stuffing material (probably needs new scent after a time)
    • Dried herbs
    • Spices (make sure the fabric does not allow for the spices to leak through)
    • A combination of lavender and dried hops makes a good night time pillow to improve sleep.

Things You'll Need

  • Fabric scraps
  • Sewing machine
  • Potpourri or other pleasant smelling stuffing material - see "Tips" for more ideas