Applying fabric motifs using a sewing machine is a great way to cut down on the time and effort usually involved in sewing by hand, as well as ensuring an even and neat finish to the work. This article provides a general method for successfully applying fabric motifs using a sewing machine, with the hope that it's a helpful read-through prior to attempting your motif sewing.


  1. Use an open-toe appliqué foot. This is an important requirement as it ensures that you will be able to get the maximum visibility when moving over the application of the motif.
  2. Consider whether you want the thread to show or not on the motif itself. If it doesn't matter that it shows, or if it forms part of the design to have the thread showing, be sure to select thread that matches the motif. If you want the stitches to be invisible, however, use clear monofilament thread on top and a thread that matches the background fabric in the bobbin:
    • For lighter shades (whites, creams, beige, etc.), use clear monofilament thread
    • For darker shades (blues, greens, blacks, etc.), use smoke-coloured monofilament thread.
  3. Select and set the appropriate stitching type on your machine. The stitching is dependent on your design and wishes. Here are some hints:
    • Naive style: use zigzag stitch set narrow and open
    • Neat satin stitch: use zigzag stitch set close
    • Blind hem stitch: use this set with a very reduced length and width. If you want to use this stitch but your machine doesn't have it, resort to using the narrow open zigzag stitch style instead.
  4. Start by back-stitching initial threads to keep them secured to the fabric. The same goes for when you complete the stitching, to finish off.
  5. Stitch on the motif. If you haven't done this before, try a test piece first, using a scrap rather than a motif. Do this until you feel comfortable with the method of application. Once you feel ready, go for it!


  • Iron-on motifs should be ironed into place prior to stitching; the iron-on element gives them added stability but should still be stitched over to ensure durability and to prevent the edges from lifting up over time.
  • Reduce the tension on the sewing machine if the threads from the bobbin look like dots on the top stitching.
  • Using two layers of fabric to sew the motif on increases the stability.

Things You'll Need

  • Fabric motifs
  • Sewing machine
  • Thread
  • Scissors for cutting thread
  • Garment or item for attaching motif to