This seller currently has 3 unanswered support requests and 3 open support requests. They have received a total of 3 support requests since May 10, 2017, of which 0 have been successfully closed. If support is important to you then you may find this information helpful.

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Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Requests

Gallery: 3D Open Front Easel Kit - Catch of the Day

November 28, 2017 1:07 PMHanne Oxholm

Hello again Selina,

What I would like to know is:

Is the middle section and stop plate (with decoupage) folded backwards or

forwards up between the backing sheet/picture panel and the front card, please?

Kind regards

Hanne - Denmark

Gallery: 3D Open Front Easel Kit - Catch of the Day

November 24, 2017 1:49 PMHanne Oxholm

Hello Selina,

A little urgent question - I have bought this (3D Open Front Easel Kit - Catch of the Day) but have not yet cut out and assembled it. Now I wonder how it looks folded. Can you explain, what you see through the open space when it is folded, please? I just can't figure out how it looks folded. I know I have to press the decoupage in the middle section forward and the decoupage in the front backwards, but how will that look?

Kind regards

Hanne - Denmark

Hello from USA

May 10, 2017 11:50 PMAnn Robinson

Hello, Ann Marie Robinson, here .

I LOVE the Happy Birthday Jeep card.. but I need it to say "grandson" I only see son

Can you make one for me?

My grandson dearly loves my Jeep.

Thank you so much

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 Requests